The Cementex UltraLite Series takes innovative design and the latest technologies to make the lightest, most comfortable Arc Flash PPE Task Wear available.
The gray color allows for easy recognition of contaminated areas and feels significantly cooler in the sun. Made from Indura Ultra-Soft material, the UltraLite Series is airy and comfortable and the garments are meant to easily fit over daily wear. The UltraLite Series meets current ASTM F1506 and ASTM F1959/F1959M-99 standards and is proudly made with USA materials and labor to ensure quality and peace of mind. It is available for individual product purchase and in pre-designed kits.
See the speed, simplicity, and functionality of Cementex's innovative Category 2 UltraLite Task Wear Kit by watching their informational video at
For more information, visit Cementex online at or contact your Electra Sales representative.